COSMIC HEART CACAO - Cacao Ceremony Inspiration

In person Cacao Ceremonies ~ Cosmic Cacao + Mini Essence Portraits

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Hello beauties! I am delighted to share information and inspirations from this incredible plant, what she has to offer and ways you can integrate working with cacao. A plant I’ve been working closely with for over ten years. A true medicine for our times, opening the heart and body to access deeper relationship to Nature, the earth, and our inner being.

Cacao Medicine Ceremony :: The Practice

Explore the depth of self, our Love and what that means. Journey through embodied awareness connecting the earth to the cosmic, and coming back to the center, the heart. Through drinking cacao, you dive into the medicine of this earth element plant. Cacao is a nurturing, yet powerful earth medicine which can open you to deeper feeling, through the chemical components like theobromine, PEA, and anandamide. The energetic properties are deeply felt as well with attunement to the subtle, that could go unnoticed without awareness. Drink cacao and connect with your intentions, integrating the medicine of cacao with heart opening practices. Drink with purpose, to enliven your spirit. These are all a part of the medicine that will be shared through this journey to the Heart Center.

Plan to dedicate 30 min to 1 hour of your time to Ceremony. This includes drinking of the cacao, heart meditation, and intentional practices. You can practice this in whatever way you choose, but what I recommend is committing to 40 days of working with the plant. Drinking the cacao in ceremony at least once a week. And journaling daily to tune into where the heart is. 

You will need 

:: 1-2 oz (30-50g) cacao paste for each ceremony is recommended, tuning in to what the body desires. (you may start with more and need less as you go)

:: 6-8 oz pure water

:: Intention journal for writing about the experience and your visions + dreams.

:: Small pot for making cacao & a whisk, or a securely lidded mason jar and thermos for hot water if you take into nature.  

:: Ritual items, not necessary but recommended. Think of earth elements, flowers, incense, smudging bowl or large shell, tapestry fabric, sacred objects, stones, beeswax candles.

:: Sacred space set aside for ceremony, either in your home or in nature, meaning intentionally set up for ceremony or meditation.

What is the Cosmic Heart?

:: cosmic heart is the union of the rooted earth and astral energies, the center where we tune to the Love frequency. The body, mind and the spirit (you can think of it as feminine and masculine, the earth and the stars). Meeting in the center, the cosmic unity. opening a place where we can stay centered in chaos. the activated state is coming to full awareness between the energy below us and the energy above us, that is in constant motion around us and having the awareness to return to center through the intuitive, energetic body, where we meet our hearts. This is where we feel. Our nervous system is deeply intertwined with the heart and the response of feeling in the body.

:: it is rooted in feeling states, and allowing these feelings to move freely in and out like waves of the ocean. It’s allowing, it’s surrendering to Love.
:: if you have experienced deep trauma it can be difficult to flow freely, or any trauma for that matter, and it requires us to rewire the nervous system. I believe cacao can help to uncover what has been hidden and to have greater emotional awareness, but it also takes repatterining the subconscious mind and fight or flight responses. All the practices in the world can be of assistance but not an erasure, as they are always part of you, and what you want is integration and creation of new patterns, responses. Bringing these traumas to the surface is just the beginning, they may be different that what you perceive them to be. The body is our vessel and requires safe and loving space to heal through connection. So just have awareness to this, and seek further assistance if what moves through you is causing you distress.

:: tuning to the natural state of equanimity within, the heart has so much to give, and the great capacity to receive. Within the spectrum of feeling states we can experience as living beings, we can stay with the flow of emotion, through staying surrendered in the heart. The cacao plant assists in learning what this space is, and allows our intuitive body to see the light and the dark, and can reveal self compassion.

The Practice

:: presence. how are you inspired to practice ceremony, do that. if it includes items of reverence and reflection, include them, if it includes simply nature, or holding space for yourself alone, do that. there is no wrong or right, but keep it true to you. there is awareness and respect, use those concepts as your compass. how can you bring more intention and awareness into your rituals and ceremony. what is sacred. all of it is, treat it that way. there is room for the full spectrum in this space. 

:: practice is also tuning into your daily awareness, where is your mind, where is your heart? then relating it to the earth, the nature, your surroundings and creating something that can bring you back to presence. such as an altar, or some object of significance. something that reminds you of your true being, of your pure heart when you are faced with strong feeling and patterns.


Cacao is a plant that originated in central to south america, with roots in mesoamerican culture and traditions that span thousands of years. It was used in ceremony, it was respected as a healing tool and a plant giving great power. Today, cacao is used all over the world as a main ingredient in confectionary treats. What has been overlooked is the magical nature of this plant, instead of being respected it tends to be abused. Grown without biodiversity, with strains of the plant being modified for production instead of nutrition and flavor. Being consumed in a mindless manner, and not engaging fully with her gifts. What I am here to share is an experience that deepens the relationship to this plant, to unlock her beauty, her connective qualities to the heart, and to expand our embodiment through the nature of this feminine medicine guide. She brings you into your feelings, into your heart center, into your bliss through the body. The nature of this plant goes much deeper, when you commit to sit with her. Since cacao works through the heart, and through feeling, naturally there is a full spectrum of awakening that can happen. So, she doesn’t always seem gentle. She can be fierce when you don’t listen, your channels are opening. But her nature is always through Grace. 



Setting and Space

:: prepare a space where you can drink cacao each day, a place that is special to you or make it special. I recommend a small table with tapestry, objects close to your heart, smudge or incense, water for drinking. 

:: keep it tidy and clean, treat it as sacred, and this will infuse into your daily life. Personally, this is something I’ve learned to do, it is not innately who I am, yet it has changed my life, simply being more aware of my space and how I keep it.  

:: or find a space in nature where you can sit in silence, connect with the sounds of nature. create a mini altar with fabric or tapestry, objects of divination. or simply sit with nature, pure as it is, and tune into the plants, the setting and the earth. 

:: play music if you choose, something that is tuned to the way you feel or want to feel. Play instruments, especially the drum has an affinity with cacao.

Preparing the Cacao

:: two ways. using the stovetop in a pot and using hot water in a jar. I recommend stovetop if you are at home or with kitchen access. If in nature without a stove, I recommend the jar method. 

  • you will need a small pot, a whisk, stovetop or burner, ladle. 

  • you will need a thermos, a heat tempered jar with sealed lid.

  • or use a tall jar or ceramic vessel with a molinillo (special cacao mixing tool - shown in video)

:: heat 1 cup water and 1-1.5 oz cacao paste in a small pot over medium heat (or make a large batch that can last a few days) stir with a whisk (or molinillo) until cacao is emulsified and you have a smooth liquid.  

:: jar method - heat water to a low boil and pour into thermos. pack it up along with a jar of cacao filled with 1-1.5oz cacao paste. I like an 8oz size jar for single serving. When ready to drink, pour hot water into jar and leave a bit of room for mixing. Close lid tightly, and make sure it won’t spill, then shake the jar for a few minutes until its dissolved. 

:: jar method with molinillo - use hot water either in a teapot or thermos. Place your mixing jar or vessel onto a stable surface, make sure it has tall walls so cacao doesn’t spray everywhere ;) Place 1-1.5oz cacao paste into the vessel and pour 6oz or so of water over the top, then mix with your molinillo until frothy and dissolved (usually mix at least a minute or two). Pour from your jar into your drinking vessel.

Drinking Cacao

:: drink with reverence and respect to the cacao plant. give her your heart and she will open it up. cacao contains chemical compounds that awaken the mind and body, into bliss, into heightened sensation, into feeling of connection to the nature of the cosmic, into the earth body with a depth that is generally calming. the cacao will integrate into your system how you need to take it in, do your best to surrender to the medicine, and listen to what it has to share. listen in close. breathe with her, and feel. 

:: sip the cacao slowly if you can, tasting each drop of this bitter nectar with true reverence. let the texture of this liquid touch your tongue, move down your throat and into your belly. let it envelop your being. 

:: ceremonial drinking cacao contains 1-2oz of cacao generally, to be immersed in the full effects. always tune in to feel if this is right for you. I recommend starting slow, and increasing dosage if it feels right. once the cacao is in your bloodstream it stays there for days, and i tend to think you need less and less. but only you can know what your body wants. 

Heart Meditation

:: Let yourself be guided by the medicine, into your heart space, and open to what wants to flow through. A simple meditation is to focus on the breath or the heart beat. Observe how it moves through you, be a witness  and let the mind drop away. Sit with the cacao for 10-20 minutes in silence if you can, or repeat a mantra that speaks to you. Here is a short meditation channeled by me to move you through the cosmic Heart.

  • Imagine a pillar of light moving through your core. From the depths of the earth to the stars in the sky. Stretching your reach with this radiant light, to the edges of you. Breathe into the edges. Your spine feeling strong and full of life. Now bring it back, that radiant light returns to your form, your body. Gently surrender to it. Bring that light back to center, through the central channel and meet with the earth and the stars in your heart center.

    Envision a prism beaming from your heart and enveloping your aura. All these colors swirling, all these feelings. It’s inside you, ready to leave and go on its journey to be free. Let all thats been hidden away ride the rainbow wave. The full spectrum let it be witnessed in all its beauty. Yes, there is beauty in the pain. In the suffering too. Because they teach you. They teach you to have greater awareness, to have forgiveness, to grow your Love greater than before. The rainbow wave, keep riding, until you reach a place that feels like home. The rainbow dissipates, it is ephemeral. And there you are, closer to your heart. Each journey, let it take you there. Each breath let it take you there. To the Heart’s Center. pure awareness. 

Intentional Practice

:: writing is medicine. speaking words is a spell. using intention with your vision, your dreams, your mind, will bring greater harmony to your thought realm. 

:: Connect with an Intention, with a word. Now explore that word. Write about it, what does it mean to you, what does it invoke, what do you want it to be? Write freely, uncontained. Find the points, the concepts that stick out and focus on those. How do you take action toward this intention? No need for an answer, but ask the question. Meditate on it with the plant. Let the seed sprout, let it flourish. Then let it go. Let it be and see what happens. Live life in the flow and come to see the divine nature of timing. 

  • you will need a journal, matches or a lighter, a contained object for holding burning paper (a shell or smudge bowl)

:: A practice that helps to release and let go of mind chaos is writing and burning of what you want to release. on a piece of paper, write all that you want to release, sit with it for a moment, give your thanks for the lessons, fold the paper and burn into the shell or smudging bowl (or a full burning fire). Release. 


:: take this state of mind into your waking life, into the world and within yourself. 

:: cultivate greater awareness with each breath, and let yourself surrender to the moment. the beautiful, the infinite, sensations that enliven the body to connect with spirit. 

:: reflect on the nature of your heart. how it breaks, how it opens, and let it be as it is. 

:: supportive practices to include with cacao ceremony include somatic therapy, Breathwork, cranial sacral therapy, theta healing, dream work, acupuncture, kundalini yoga, yoga nidra, meditation, dance, music and sound healing among others. these practices will assist in keeping the energy flowing and integrating. 

Cacao Sourcing - Personally I use a wild harvested heirloom cacao from Ecuador that I have had a relationship with for the past 10 years now. There are many unique sources out there each with their own energy and flavor. What you want to look for is integrity, how the cacao is processed and sourced, the region from which you feel resonates with you and the overall energetics. This takes time to know what feels right in your personal practice, so I encourage you trying a few.

~ Purchase Cacao

Cacao and Ceremony - Indigenous Practices

:: To honor this plant fully, we want to give thanks, to acknowledge the ones that came before us, that had relationship to this special plant spirit.

The Mayans and Aztecs of Southern Mexico and Guatemala hold the lineage of this practice with cacao as far as we know. Some say it was used in sacrificial ceremonies, as a bridge to the spirit realms, to honor the Gods. And likely was used in many types of ceremonies, rites of passage and marriage. Though today it has spread across central and South America in some indigenous ceremony practices.

The vessels used in ceremony are gorgeous, made of clay, and sometimes have ornate symbolism embedded.

It was also found in ancient drinking vessels at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico!

The history of cacao is still being discovered, it is a lost art in some ways, as the fall of these civilizations took it with them. But the practice is being reinvigorated at this time by the Indigenous and other curious beings like myself, because I feel this medicine is a profound teacher for our times. To open our hearts, to connect back to the land, to respect and have reverence for the feminine nature of creation. Its a rainbow of possibilities when we nurture our hearts, and spread the Love :)

We are privileged to know the cacao plant, to have this opportunity to connect with her spirit, all across the globe it is accessible. Breathe that in.

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Cacao Medicine Instruction

Here Julia drinks cacao out in nature, simple, connected and in the elements.



Our Greatest Wealth is Connection

To be in relationship with ~ this plant, a person, the earth, cosmic energy. We are in relationship daily, and its how we experience and translate our life into reality. Tune into the relationships you have created in your life, and the one you will be creating with cacao.

This plant has been a potent teacher for me, coming back again and again to show me where I am. Gives me a dose of reality. Where is your awareness, where is your energy being spread and how, are you feeling life fully. It shows me, when I’m listening. She is an earth teacher, a flowering flow of spectrumed emotions. You can take her in how you choose, but with intention, as with anything, there is a much deeper space of learning to be explored. She has taught me to open, to keep meeting life with Love, to feel through my hardness and cold nature into a flow of freedom. Freedom is letting your heart shine in true color, responding and surrendering to reality. What are you shown, each moment is a gift. When life is noticed in this way, it is so much more bright and full. Open up she says. Let yourself Feel, deeper, and don’t be afraid. Its okay to feel lost, to feel joyful, to feel sadness, to be in bliss! Whatever it has been that you were told to keep small, not anymore, she will say come, please share and please allow your being to receive. Open goes both ways, if you are closed down on the outside, you cant allow your true bliss to flow outward either. 

I know, I’ve been there.

Keep returning to her magic, to your magic. And let Love flow through your being.

- Julia

* disclaimer, this information is intended for educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Cacao is an MAOI inhibitor and known to be in contraindication with some pharmaceutical drugs, so be aware that it may alter the efficacy of certain drugs.

questions, concerns or other musings about cacao, please email me ::